
These posts are a way for me to formalize and present findings in coding projects and reflect on the process. Included in each post is a link to the project GitHub repository where the body of work can be found.

I like using Python Notebooks whenever possible to report findings. I find they offer the most natural platform for data science projects by combining Markdown and code-generated figures so I don’t have to worry about displaying LaTeX in HTML. To this extent, these files (.ipynb) are available as well on the respective repositories.


I’ve titled this section my blog due to lack of a better word — that is to say, articles are proofread by editors, while these are not. Writing essays is something I have struggled with in the past, and these posts are a way for me to challenge myself to improve my writing. To this extent, none of the text I post in my pieces is LLM-generated.

For each assignment, I usually only start with a very loose idea of how the topics I want to discuss are related, and I use the process to explore and structure my thoughts.

Photography is a hobby of mine, and in creating this blog I’ve incidentally found a place to showcase some of my pictures.