
I’m a final year mathematics student in London, interested in technology and the human brain. I am particularly curious about the intersection of the limitations of intelligence and the modelling of complex dynamical systems. The working research area for my masters thesis is neural network stability and goodness-of-fit testing.

Going into my final year, I am open to a wide range of opportunities after Imperial, including graduate school, and industry schemes.

 Experience and Courses

  • I was homeschooled through high school which for better or worse allowed me to focus on math, taking number theory and linear algebra to supplement AP math courses.

    This also allowed me to work under Professor Huaxiong Wang at Nanyang Technological University in topics of mathematical cryptography my final year of high school. During this time I studied secret sharing schemes, public key encryption, and primality testing.

  • All first-year mathematics students at Imperial complete a standard required course-load, covering analysis, calculus, statistics, and linear algebra. For my end-of-year research project, I delivered a poster on modelling heat diffusion and the Laplace Equation with Fourier series.

    This summer I participated in a consulting project with the WWF to develop environmental indicators for the Baltic Sea Region.

  • In addition to required courses in complex analysis, linear algebra, and calculus, I was able to take four electives, choosing statistical modelling and learning, as well as a coursework module on network science. Although a slightly less “structured’’ module, I greatly enjoyed the computational techniques explored and research-oriented classes.

    Over the summer I took an internship at a medical technology start-up as a data science intern, working on computer vision models for the clinical diagnosis of motor disorders.

  • For electives this year I took a variety of courses including number theory, options pricing, introduction to statistical learning, functional analysis, and methods of data science as a few. Overall, although slightly hectic to balance, I’m glad I chose this assortment as on top of the value of learning about different applications, it gave me a clearer idea of what I want to do going forward. The most valuable courses I took this year were optimization and methods of data science.

    Over the summer I had secured a spot at the London Stock Exchange as a quantitative developer in their ForEx clearing house, however a number of administrative hiccups that led to my start being delayed left a bad taste in my mouth. Instead I decided to take the summer out to focus on individual projects, and consider graduate school (as well as launch this website).

  • This year I’ve chosen to take six electives, including stochastic simulation, dynamical systems, and bayesian methods. These modules supplement my year-long thesis project.

    For my thesis project I am working on neural network stability and goodness-of-fit testing under Axel Gandy.

Reading list

Reach out

Get in touch and connect with me on LinkedIn or GitHub with the links below.

Please feel free to request a copy of my resume in the form beside.